Bitz Box Blog – News and Tips on Games Workshop’s Warhammer Universe

Are you looking for an affordable and suitable game box to get you off to a good start in the Warhammer universe? Dark Imperial is the one for you! With its ...

You want to start with Warhammer 40k but due to the wide variety of miniature factions present you don't know which one to choose? Don't worry: by following a ...

Want to venture into the fascinating world of Warhammer? Nothing better than a pack of Warhammer Easy to Build miniatures to discover the world of Games ...

You are seduced by the fantastic concept of the Warhammer Age Of Sigma miniature game, but the universe seems so vast and complex that you don't know where to ...

The Warhammer 40k universe is so vast and evolutionary that it's only natural that as a beginner you don't know where to start. But don't worry, by consulting ...

Bitz Box - News