How to start Warhammer Age Of Sigmar : Where to start ?

You are seduced by the fantastic concept of the Warhammer Age Of Sigma miniature game, but the universe seems so vast and complex that you don’t know where to start? Rest assured, we’ve got the trick you need.

Rather than going blindly into the game, you should take the time to familiarize yourself with its universe, its basic concepts, the history of the kingdoms and armed factions, their assembly, … But above all, you must learn the rules specific to the game. Below, everything you need to know to make a successful debut with Warhammer Age Of Sigmar.

Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Game Presentation

What you need to get familiar with the Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Hobby

To get acquainted with the magical world of the Warhammer Age Of Sigmar (AOS) Hobby, there is no better way than to simply start! Visit a local store or an online miniature store like

Get a copy of the Warhammer AOS Beginner’s Book, some miniatures and the essential Rulebook if you want to play with your miniatures.

The Warhammer Age of Sigmar book for beginners

This introductory book is a very simple and complete guide for new players. You’ll find the essential information you need to know to start the game and be able to evolve without getting lost. Notably the origin of the War of the Deadly Kingdoms, the 4 Great Alliances (Order, Chaos, Destruction and Death) bringing together the different factions that fight mercilessly to hold control.

Launch kit with miniatures

You will also find practical guides for modeling and painting, the collection of citadel figurines, as well as the basic rules for starting a game.

A miniature box or starter set

Probably the easiest way to get started, get a starter set which includes 2 small armies, assembly instructions and a starter booklet with several scenarios to start the game.

Starter box with miniature, rules and scenery

A starter set is really one of the best solutions to get started, there are several of them whose main difference is the number of miniatures inside the box and the presence or not of scenery to play with.

The Rule Book

Edited for each of the factions, the Rule Book succinctly reviews the Chronology of Events and the rich History of the 8 Deadly Kingdoms of the Age of Sigmar. It constitutes an additional and more complete guide to a better mastery of the game’s environment.

Complete rule book

But the value of this book lies more in the rules that govern the organization and conduct of combat games, but especially the details about each faction, its characteristics, its powers. You will thus be able to appreciate their capacities and weaknesses in order to choose the one that suits you best. Finally, the book provides important details on the 3 game modes.

What you need to start a game of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Once you have become familiar with the Warhammer Aos universe, you can calmly consider starting a game. To do so, you need to:

One or more other players

Note that Warhammer Aos is a miniature game that is played by at least 2 players. You must therefore first find one or more other players to face on the battlefield or who will help you complete the various missions available.

A suitable playing surface

You must then find a suitable playing surface. Preferably a table or on the ground, in order to be able to deploy the scenery of the Kingdoms serving as a battlefield. In the form of a carpet or a map, it is often supplied with the boxes of miniatures to buy.

Assembled figurines

What you need is an army of miniatures already assembled, painted and ready to take the battlefield. If you don’t have one yet, you will need to get a box of Easy to Build or Star Collecting miniatures among the many existing ones that you can share with a friend. All you have to do is pick up 6-sided dice to start playing.

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